There are reports that various scam investment firms or chit funds have sprung up from time to time across the state and are still springing up. Those chit funds lull the simple-minded unemployed youths of the state into colorful dreams with words and glitter, snatching their hard-earned and accumulated crores of rupees and running away overnight. Even after all the swindling and squandering of everything, the simple direction of the state has not caught the hearts of the people at all. As faith was in the past, many people in the state are on the verge of losing their hard-earned and saved money, investing in some number of chit funds. Taking the opportunity of unemployment, showing them lollipops of job offers in the big mines, they are grabbing crores of rupees. Although they are being told that whoever will work in different positions of the company, according to the position, so much money should be kept in the chit fund as security deposit. That money will be paid at the end of the year. At the end of the year, whether the unemployed young men and women will get that money at all, or the future of the company or how secure it is, various questions are also being raised. The most surprising thing is that a chit fund with the name of a minister of Unkoti district is reported to be busy making money overnight.

It is known that a chit fund called Tripureshwari Micro Finance has grown like a frog's umbrella in the state. That Tripureshwari micro finance chit fund about three months ago in Panisagar sub-division Damchara area of Panisagar sub-division directly lured the unemployed young men and women with jobs in various positions. It is known that the manager's salary is fifteen thousand, the assistant manager's is fourteen thousand, the field officer's thirteen thousand, the cashier's ten thousand, and the peon's salary is seven thousand. It is stipulated that 50 thousand rupees per person should be deposited in that Tripureshwari Micro Finance Company for security for each post. That money will be returned at the end of the year. About 12 youths of Damchara area fell into the net of that chit fund, sold household furniture, domestic cows, pigs, etc. and deposited a total of Rs 6 lakhs in that chit fund. The self-proclaimed Director of that company is Uddipan Chakma, such is the news. Appointment letter with the signature of Uddipan Chakma is given to everyone.

Month after month, even though three months have passed, the workers have not received even ``S'' of salary. The colorful dreams and enthusiasm shown by the Tripureswari Micro Finance Chit Fund struck a chord with the young people who sold everything in their homes and joined the job. The appearance of the salary, in addition, the director Uddipan Chakma did not look. The chit fund director was not picking up the phone even when called. In this way, since last September-October, the employed people were fleeing like crazy in desperation and the people on the loan acceptance list.

Finally on December 23, director Udipan Chakma was caught in Panisagar by some activists. Gherowed Mr Chakma was bound to return the fifty thousand rupees per head deposited along with the outstanding salary. So that the incident does not take a different turn, the people present handed over Uddipan Chakma to the Panisagar police station. Sitting in the police station, the victims who fell in the grip of that chit fund raised their anger.Director Uddipan Chakma's bones were freezing for fear of lynching. If calculated, the pressure of about 10 lakh rupees has come on his shoulders, it has to be settled immediately, otherwise there is no escape. He called a 'Nirmal Babu' known to him. Uddipan Chakma is requesting to arrange the money immediately.

Now talk about who is Nirmalbabu? So what is Uddipan Chakma a sacrificial path and others want to swallow? There is no end to the mystery surrounding that chit fund. According to the news, the chit fund could not pay even a single rupee that day to avoid public outrage. However, there are reports that Mr Chakma survived by handing post dated cheque

According to the sources, RBI or SEBI approval is required to start such chit fund business, besides certificate of incorporation and certificate of commencement of business from Registrar of Companies. Investigation is being demanded in various circles to check whether the chit fund has all those valid documents or not. But talk is doing the rounds that the Tripureswari micro finance chit fund company may be running the so-called illegal business under MSME registration, leaving the state in the lurch.

It is reported that a number of so-called BJP leaders have stepped up to recruit the youth in that chit fund, involving the name of one minister of each of the nine crore districts to bring the tripureswari micro finance chit fund to the peak of development overnight. Who is the BJP minister? On the other hand, in the place where money has been collected at the rate of 50 thousand per head, as it approaches the city, it stops at a number.
